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Get the Look of Perfectly Sun-Kissed Skin With TanTowel
With TanTowel, you no longer have to deal with messy lotions, uneven sprays, or harmful sun rays to get that gorgeous golden tan. Discover how this innovative line of tan towels can give you the beautiful look you want. We all know that lounging in the sun to get tan skin isn't healthy, but we also don't want to give up that lovely tanned look. That's why the line of tan towelettes from TanTowel is so special. You can still get that appealing glow that you want while applying your sunscreen every day to maintain the health of your skin. With TanTowel's revolutionary line of tanning towelettes, you'll enjoy a simple application system that results in the look of stunningly tanned skin instead of a mess. Choose the full-body towelettes and you can have that perfect tan no matter what the season is. Plus, when summer rolls around and you're ready to slip on that swimsuit and head to the beach, you know you can confidently step out with a streak-free tan. When you're looking for a fast and easy way to get your perfect tan without baking in the sun, shop for TanTowel at HSN.