Support without "squish", (KeybdK NM)06/04/2022
I own dozens of Birks and this style is one of my favs. The ability to custom adjust three full straps makes the fit perfect. The footed feels so so good.
Love it!, (Pammy602 TX)04/28/2022
I have this shoe in silver and I love it. All of my Birks are very comfortable.
LOVE LOVE LOVE, (tbenton7 VA)07/27/2021
I have worn more 'traditional' Birk styles for a very long time and wanted to try a sandal that was a little more feminine and did not want a toe loop or a thong strap. The Franca is wonderful and as comfortable as any other Birk I have. They are so cute in the silver ! The fact that they are 'labeled' narrow was not an issue for me whatsoever. My feet are what I consider a normal width and I adjusted the straps a bit and all is AOK. Love these shoes.
Fabulous Franca Fit, (labbiegirl OK)04/20/2021
The Franca style is very comfortable similar to the Mayari style except the Franca does not have the toe loop in the Birkenstock medium[B]/narrow [A] width. The straps are also easy to adjust to achieve the the perfect fit.I appreciate HSN offering this width...please offer more Birkenstock styles in this width.
Franca Fabulous Sandal, (labbiegirl OK)04/15/2021
Excellent fit!! Great style and the silver goes with any outfit. The Franca style is perfect like the Mayari in a narrow footbed [A to B] width...no gaps.Please, please offer more colors in the NARROW width not the REGULAR[ C/D] with in Birkenstocks. The HSN Hosts should remind the HSN viewers that the Birkenstock solid colored foot icon on the insole means a Narrow[A/B width] as opposed to the outline of a foot on the insole which means a Regular [C/D] width in Birkenstocks.